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JavaScript Pdf Notes - STP Computer Education

JavaScript Notes

Learn Programming with JavaScript

JavaScript कोर्स के बारे में

JavaScript is a Programming language.

JavaScript एक प्रोग्रामिंग लैंग्वेज है

JavaScript कोर्स करने के बाद आप आपनी वेबसाइट में किसी भी तरह के फीचर और फंक्शनलिटी को बना सकते है

After taking a JavaScript course, you can create any kind of feature and functionality in your website.

Course Syllabus

  • Ch-1 Intro to JavaScript
  • Ch-2 Output from JavaScript
  • Ch-3 keywords
  • Ch-4 JavaScript Functions
  • Ch-5 JavaScript User Defined Function
  • Ch-6 User Defined Function in Deep
  • Ch-7 Variables
  • Ch-8 Mathematical Calculations with Variables in JavaScript
  • Ch-9 Complete Variable
  • Ch-10 Selectors in JavaScript
  • Ch-11 CSS implementation in JavaScript
  • Ch-12 Basic Web Application Part 1
  • Ch-12 Basic Web Application Part 2
  • Ch-12 Basic Web Application Part 3
  • Ch-12 Basic Web Application Part 4
  • Ch-12 Basic Web Application Part 5
  • Ch-13 Address Maker App Task in JavaScript
  • Ch-14 Booleans And Return Statements in JavaScript
  • Ch-15 Range Validator Task in JavaScript
  • Ch-16 Comments and Operators
  • Ch-17 Image Effect
  • Ch-18 Assignment & Comparison Operator
  • Ch-19 Ternary Operator
  • Ch-20 Clear Concept of Ternary Operator
  • Ch-21 Form Validation & Logical Operator
  • Ch-22 Password Validation in JavaScript Part 1
  • Ch-22 Password Validation in JavaScript Part 2
  • Ch-23 Match Function With RegExp
  • Ch-24 setAttribute Function
  • Ch-25 Basic Text Editor Development
  • Ch-26 Content Writing in JavaScript
  • Ch-27 Function Parameters
  • Ch-28 Function Parameters with Return Statement
  • Ch-29 Condition Statement Part 1
  • Ch-29 Condition Statement Part 2
  • Ch-29 Condition Statement Part 3
  • Ch-29 Condition Statement Part 4
  • Ch-29 Condition Statement Part 5
  • Ch-29 Condition Statement Part 6
  • Ch-29 Condition Statement Part 7
  • Ch-29 Condition Statement Part 8
  • Ch-29 Condition Statement Part 9
  • Ch-29 Condition Statement Part 10
  • Ch-30 Introduction to Array
  • Ch-31 Practical With Array part 1
  • Ch-31 Practical With Array part 2
  • Ch-31 Practical With Array part 3
  • Ch-31 Practical With Array part 4
  • Ch-31 Practical With Array part 5
  • Ch-32 Introduction to Loop
  • Ch-33 Practical with Loop Part 1
  • Ch-33 Practical with Loop Part 2
  • Ch-33 Practical with Loop Part 3
  • Ch-33 Practical with Loop Part 4
  • Ch-33 Practical with Loop Part 5
  • Ch-34 Event Handler
  • Ch-35 Time Interval System
  • Ch-36 File Reader
  • Ch-37 Video Player Application Task
  • Ch-38 Introduction to BOM
  • Ch-39 BOM - Working with History & Secure URL
  • Ch-40 BOM - webpage Security & Keyboard Programming
  • Ch-41 Use of this Keyword
  • Ch-42 Introduction to Cookies
  • Ch-43 Cookies Part 1
  • Ch-43 Cookies Part 2
  • Ch-43 Cookies Part 3
  • Ch-43 Cookies Part 4
  • Ch-43 Cookies Part 5
  • Ch-43 Cookies Part 6
  • Ch-43 Cookies Part 7
  • Ch-44 Window Object Method part 1
  • Ch-45 Navigator
  • Ch-46 ScrollBy Method
  • Ch-47 Window object Method part 2
  • Ch-48 Window object Method part 3
  • Ch-49 Window Object Properties Part 1
  • Ch-49 Window Object Properties Part 2
  • Ch-49 Window Object Properties Part 3
  • Ch-49 Window Object Properties Part 4
  • Ch-49 Window Object Properties Part 5
  • Ch-49 Window Object Properties Part 6
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 1
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 2
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 3
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 4
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 5
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 6
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 7
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 8
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 9
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 10
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 11
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 12
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 13
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 14
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 15
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 16
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 17
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 18
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 19
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 20
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 21
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 22
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 23
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 24
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 25
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 26
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 27
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 28
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 29
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 30
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 31
  • Ch-50 Application Development Part 32
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Frequently Asked Q&A

To register, watch the Registration Video

रजिस्ट्रेशन करने के लिए रजिस्ट्रेशन विडियो को देखिये

To Login, watch the Login Video

लॉग इन करने के लिए लॉग इन विडियोको देखिये

To take admission in any course, watch this Admission Video.

किसी भी कोर्स में एडमिशन लेने के लिए इस एडमिशन विडियो को देखे

To check exam date watch Exam Date Video.

Exam Date चेक करने के लिए इस Exam Date Video को देखे

Your exam will be held on the exam date and the exam will be conducted online on the website.

आपका Exam, Exam Date वाले दिन होगा, और एग्जाम ऑनलाइन वेबसाइट पर होगा

There are two ways to watch the course videos.
1.) From Computer
2.) From Mobile App

कोर्स की वीडियो देखने के लिए दो तरीके हैं
1.) कंप्यूटर से
2.) Mobile App से

To get the certificate, you have to first appear for the exam and when you pass the exam, you can download your certificate from My Course menu.
You can also watch this Certificate Download Video

सर्टिफिकेट प्राप्त करने के लिए आपको पहले एग्जाम देना होगा और जब आप एग्जाम में पास हो जाओगे तब आप अपना सर्टिफिकेट My Course menu से डाउनलोड कर सकते है
आप यह सर्टिफिकेट डाउनलोड का वीडियो भी देख सकते हैं

This certificate will be valid for your government and private jobs.

यह सर्टिफिकेट आपके सरकारी और प्राइवेट जॉब में मान्य होगा