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Ch - 3 Adv IF Condition And Statement And Home Tab - Ms Excel - ms office

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Ch - 3 Adv IF Condition And Statement And Home Tab

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IF function is used for applying condition.

Syntax :- if(condition,true,false)

IF(2>3 , TRUE , FALSE )

Condition = Those who have more than 33 percent get a pass and those
who have come down from 33 get a fail.

If(percentage >= 33,”Pass”,”Fail”)

Adv. If Condition
Condition : -
80 > A
60 > B
50 > C
50 < D
IF( PER > 80 , ”A” , IF( PER > 60 , ”B” , IF( PER > 50 , ”C” , ”D” )))

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